Coordination Package $2,500


Prior to Event Day

  •  Meet and Greet Meeting at the time of booking (in person or via Zoom)

  • Vendor Recommendations and advice from time of booking

  • Email and Phone Call communication

  • Details meeting 4-6 weeks before to discuss vendor contact info, timeline, processional order, recessional order, seating, décor details, and all aspects of your event (can be in person or via Zoom)

  • Create comprehensive timelines / paperwork of the ceremony and reception

  •  Provide timeline to vendors and other appropriate people involved with your event

  • Confirm vendors (delivery times, items being delivered, etc.) prior to the event

  • Act as the point of contact for the event day vendors beginning 3-4 weeks prior to the event

  • Attend final walk-thru meeting with the reception venue – preferable the same day as the final details meeting but does not have to be (can be in person or via Zoom)

Event Weekend and Day of Event

  • Conduct the rehearsal the week of (if hired for a Wedding)

  • 10+ hours of assistance on day of event (time will be determined at final meeting)

  • Set out escort cards, tables numbers, menus, seating chart, welcome table, cardbox, guest book, candles, photos of clients, signage, etc

  • Coordinate all dynamic facets of your day into one seamless even

  • Assist clients as needed throughout the event day

  •  Oversee event day deliveries

  • Ensure the design of the venue appears as anticipated

  • Distribute personal flowers as needed

  • Direct the Wedding party so they are in the proper place at the proper time

  • Provide event emergency kit (safety pins, Band-Aids, Tylenol, etc.)

  • Deliver payment to vendors requiring payment the day of the event

  •  Coordinate events and announcements throughout the reception with DJ

  • Collect gifts, guest book, card box, and any décor left at the end of the night, and ensure it reaches the proper vehicle or on-site hotel room

  •  Handle last-minute needs

  • Will provide one Lead Coordinator and one Assistant Coordinator for your Event

Featured Coordination Wedding

Shella and Caroline